Folktone Trio UK/HU

Enikő Magyar and Bence Vörösmarty are the two violinists of a versatile and passionate folk music band called Gyantár based in Szeged, a city in the southern part of Hungary. They have become well-known and the main providers in the region since they have performed at numerous festivals, concerts, dance houses both in Hungary and abroad, gaining a loyal fanbase along the way. They also accompany several folk dance groups of all ages. Their music is not only entertaining but also serves as a means of preserving and promoting Hungarian folk traditions. Their energetic performing style and warmth made them well loved and appreciated among audiences. Their passion and undefeatable energy is evident in every note they play. Enikő and Bence often collaborate with various different artists to create unique musical experiences and widen their horizons. One of their new and already significant connections is with the Folktone band, the UK's only Hungarian folk music band led by Adam Romer.
