Sodró UA/HU

Sodró formed in 2014, aiming to keep the heritage of authentic Hungarian folk music and folk dance in Transcarpathian Ukraine alive and to also popularise the dancehouse movement in the region. Over the last 5 years the band has been organising folk pub programmes in Transcarpathia.  Recognising that folk dance and folk music strengthens identity and has the power to build and connect communities, the band regularly plays live in various regions of the Carpathian Basin, appearing at festivals and cultural events and performing to international audiences. In 2019 they took the dancehouse movement to Kiev, where they perform on a regular basis. They also perform live in Brussels, Prague and Warsaw on a regular basis. Every year they visit Upland Slovakia, Vojvodina and Transylvania to appear on stage at various cultural events.

Through their music and dancing the band presents the authentic musical world of the Sub Carpathian region. In their performance, in addition to Hungarian folk music and dance, they also showcase Rusyn, Slovakian, Jewish, Romanian, Gypsy flavours of folk music, representative of diverse Transcarpathia. The energetic young collective joined together from all corners of the area. They have a rolling energy,  not just in the title of their band,  but also in their performances.

Band members: Martin Galgóczy – violin; Bertalan Halász – accordion, Bence Kánai – viola; Krisztian Fekete – Cimbalom; Sándor Tóth -double bass; Richard Szalontai – singing; EnikőV áradi – the bands artistic director, Péter Orosz – dancer.
