Children's Philharmonia from Szentegyháza

Date: May 20, 2023

This year we will be welcoming our biggest act to date to Manchester. The Children's Philharmonia from Szentegyháza is a 140 piece children's philharmonic choir and orchestra. The ensemble was invited to Góbéfest in 2020 and has been planning to come to our festival since before the pandemic , but their plans were disrupted by the pandemic. Finally, this year, thanks to outstanding partnership working, and thanks to funding from the MOL New Europe Foundation, their UK visit will be possible.

The Children's Philharmonia of Szentegyháza, a unique ensemble, was founded 40 years ago in the Hungarian-speaking Transylvanian community of Vlahita (Szentegyháza, Romania) under the leadership of musical director Sándor Haáz. In December 2003, Sándor Haáz and the ensemble were awarded the "Prize for Preserving Hungarian Heritage".

On their UK visit they will be performing in Manchester at Góbéfest on the 24th and 25th of June, and they will also be performing in London on the 26th. Don't miss their performances.

Funded by MOL New Europe Foundation
