Our charity stall we have resources and information in various central and eastern european languages showing the work and services we provide. We will have an interactive quiz based on knowledge of Central and Eastern European countries, language, and culture.
We are Europia, we provide person-centred information and practical support to vulnerable Central and Eastern European migrant community members (including Roma and Ukrainian communities) often at critical times in their lives. Europia works across the North West of England, empowering, supporting, training and representing Eastern Europe. Europia exists to further the cause of equality and diversity, by supporting migrant community members to enable them to realise their potential, assisting them to integrate into society, achieve economic security and helping them thrive by providing routes to positive and enduring change. We aspire to see Eastern Europeans flourish in today's Brexit Britain, whilst maintaining their own cultural and individual identities. We work holistically to enable them to be economically independent, have fairer access to services and increase resilience and confidence to achieve their aspirations and goals. We prioritise providing services which help eradicate poverty, avoid exploitation and help Eastern Europeans to self-manage difficult and stressful situations. Europia supports people from a range of Central and Eastern European countries, predominantly working with vulnerable migrant communities, who often experience increasing discrimination and barriers. Europia is dedicated to providing a wide range of culturally appropriate and language-specific services to empower individuals including guidance, information and advocacy. We provide free advice to overcome financial and housing instability and support to encourage employability progression. Our Level 3 OISC registered Visas and Immigration team provides specialist services for EU nationals, providing early intervention. Our services were developed in response to CEE community needs post-Brexit and we prioritise those who are facing multiple vulnerabilities. We utilise art and creative expression to support European migrants to feel included, connected, and have a sense of belonging in Greater Manchester. Our vision for social change is to create a society where cultural diversity is not only accepted but celebrated.. We strive to see our communities empowered to keep, cherish, celebrate, and share their identity and values, and to contribute to shaping an inclusive, multicultural, and equitable society. We believe that art and culture are powerful tools for activism and can be used to challenge and change systemic injustices.