Urusos Dance Ensemble RO/HU

The Urusos Folk Dance Ensemble from Oroszhegy was launched in 2012. It has got it’s name from a well, which is located in the field of Nyúlad, which the locals sometimes also call the well of Saint László. The group has 140 members operating as four groups. The childrens group, the medium group, the adult group and the advanced group. The advanced group is mixed aged group with the youngest being age 10 and the oldest 18. They perform the folk dances of many areas in Transylvania: moldvai, felcsíki, pálpataki, jobbágytelki, vajdaszentiványi, küküllőmenti, örkői cigány, mezőségi palatkai , bonchidai, széki, kalotaszegi mérai dances. They will be showcasing some of these at Góbéfest: pálpataki, bonchidai, kalotaszegi, vajdaszentiványi és örkői cigány dances. The group leader is Emese Pál and the choreographer is Márton Sándor, with help from Emese Pál.

Last summer the group won the Silver Medal in the finals of the popular TV programme: Dunnán innen – Tiszán túl.
