The magic of fairy-tales, folklore and story telling will be very much part of Góbéfest this year as we will be exhibiting the magical work of well known illustrator Zenkő Karda and much admired published author from Sepsiszentgyörgy, Romania. Beautiful illustrations from Zenkő will transport the audience into the magical world of fairy tales. Zenkő will be presenting her illustrations and running workshops for children and families in folk tale illustration, drawing and clay. She will be working alongside highly acclaimed storyteller, folktale therapist and published author Enikő Szabó. Together they have published over 25 children's books in several languages.
Zenkő Karda is an award winning designer, illustrator, painter, stage and costume designer, born and living in Sepsiszentgyörgy, Romania She is a well-known illustrator with over 25 books published. She uses traditional ways of expressing herself through illustration, always in search for new ways of expression but strictly staying under the influence of folktales and fairy tales. Zenkő’s work has been exhibited all over Europe in major cities such as Budapest, Bratislava, Kolozsvár to name just a few.
The book „Hét szépség hét tudománya” is a folktale collection about woman power in folktales. It is a collection of 21 folktales from all over the world selected and told by the highly acclaimed author Enikő Szabó. Zenkő says that clay as a material gives her the flow and it is an expression of her personal attitude as a woman and human with continuous search for feminine power. The illustration figures are made with clay, the backgrounds are painted and she also added some objects into the “scenes” that she has found. For the creation of this book Zenkő became a sculptor, a photographer alongside being an illustrator, art director. It was a new challenge in which she was searching for her woman power.
Enikő Szabó tells stories, she tells folktales at events for children and adults and families too. This could be a thematic storytelling or therapy with storytelling. She tell stories for fun, for teambuilding, for self development, for prevention (burn out, addictions etc). She tells stories to big audiences, groups, workshops and in person to person. Enikő is also the organiser of the Onceuponatime Storytelling Festival in Transylvania which welcomes storytellers from all over Europe. Most importantly Enikő is a writer and author with over 25 popular children's books published in several languages.