Relived Figures | Maros Ensemble

Date: May 2, 2019

A Selection From The Colourful World of Central Transylvanian Folk-Dance Heritage. On Saturday 25th May at Góbéfest

This show lifts it’s dance content from Central Transylvania heritage. This region gets it’s diversity from the coming together and meeting of well known geographic areas, and their gradual amalgamation into one, as well as the colourful dance and musical forms resulting from the rich ethnic diversity of the region. The Maros ensemble’s selection brings a powerful variety of dance, music, costumes, as well as moods. The show presents the heritage of Gerendkeresztúr, Dombó, Györgyfalva, Csabaújfalú or Girolt.

Alongside the strong presence of Hungarian folk heritage one can witness Romanian and Roma flavors within this show, which is also emotionally charged. Figures and characters, lost within the past, come to life once more through the footsteps of the dancers, creating a powerful dance experience within a show that is not lacking in humor nor depth of thought.

Choreographer : Varga János
Band-leader : Moldován – Horváth István
Dance Leaders : Törzsök Zsuzsánna és Farkas Sándor Csaba
Manager : Barabási Attila Csaba
